Random links

Charles McGrath wrote an interesting article on graphics novels in NYT Magazine last week. (Time also published a good list of noteworthy graphic novels sometime back).
Talking of graphic novels, I recently read rave reviews of Epileptic. I hear is similar to Persepolis, which makes Epileptic immediately interesting. ( I have talked a bit about ‘Persepolis’ earlier and hope to go back to that subject again later).
Someone sent me Philip Van Allen’s Thinking About Interaction Design for Online News Delivery. It provides a good context to the current discussions on Interaction Design
If you blog, Blogger Burnout will probably prove to be an interesting read.

No comments

I am taking ‘comments’ option out from this weblog for the time being. Unfortunately, comment spam has reached epidemic proportions. Cleaning it up is a depressing task ….
I have not been keeping up with MT updates and fixes which would (hopefully) make this task easier. Unfortunately, until I install a fix, we would have to make do without comments.

Draft Ehrenreich

I fully agree with Timothy Noah. Barbara Ehrenreich ought to be drafted for a more permanent position in the NYT op-ed pages! (even though I dont think that is gonna happen) She has a certain eloquence and a flair that is often missing from the op-ed pages of NYT.
Sometimes you do get some wonderful writing (e.g. Nick Hornby on Marah), but mostly the columnists on NYT are just bland; shadow boxing with each others through the world’s most exclusive journalistic real estate.

Still around

I have been away from weblogging for such a long time now that it is kind of hard to figure out where to begin.
Anyway, I am alive and kicking. There has been a bunch of things going on in my offline life and doing them properly was a higher level of importance. But let me express my gratitude and apologies to those few readers who have been regularly checking to see wheather this blog is coming back to life. I should have given some sort of an advance notice before going on such a long hiatus; but the problem is, I did not realize that I am going to sleep for such a long time. It always seemed like I would be back online soon.
Anyway, I hope to blog again more regularly. But I suspect that I am going to be posting more links than commentary – at least in the near future.