Still around

I have been away from weblogging for such a long time now that it is kind of hard to figure out where to begin.
Anyway, I am alive and kicking. There has been a bunch of things going on in my offline life and doing them properly was a higher level of importance. But let me express my gratitude and apologies to those few readers who have been regularly checking to see wheather this blog is coming back to life. I should have given some sort of an advance notice before going on such a long hiatus; but the problem is, I did not realize that I am going to sleep for such a long time. It always seemed like I would be back online soon.
Anyway, I hope to blog again more regularly. But I suspect that I am going to be posting more links than commentary – at least in the near future.

On Vacation

I am on vacation, travelling through India, meeting family and friends. Out here, I have occasional and limited internet access available through cybercafes. In the village where we live, Internet access is agonizingly slow. It is not exciting trying to post from there. Besides, we are really trying to maximize our time with our parents here.
Normal posting would resume once I get back to work in the second week of March.
I should have posted this a very long time back. My apologies to those of you who have been visiting this page regularly. I meant to post a note. But in all the chaos of packing and work related worries, it skipped my mind.

Housekeeping notes

1) I am having a hard time juggling between my responsibilities and other interests. I have also lost some of the enthusiasm to keep up the kind of blogging that I had been doing for some time. It is sometimes hard for me to retrace my train of thoughts or make something useful out of it at a later date, if I dont spend good time on each post.
Basically, I want to do longer pieces. I also want to do them at longer intervals. The kind of schedule I have lately been keeping precludes posting through the week. I expect to post things at the weekends rather than throughout the week. (unless of course there is some breaking news that is overriding interest to me!)
If you want to be kept updated on new posts without having to come here to check for updates, there are two ways you can do it:
-You can also use an RSS reader that will allow you to check on new posts
-You can send me an e-mail requesting notification when I post something (Later on, I would add something on the right hand nav. where you can add your e-mail address)
Mostly though, you would be ok if you check things on a weekly basis. (It is certainly nice to assume that the rest of the world is waiting with bated breath to hear my utterances on every subject under the sun :-)! )
2) As someone whose professional and recreational life is governed by information/ content/ software and the culture and technology that revolves around it, one of the most frustrating aspects of my life in the web enabled world is management of information.
In my life, Information has the following physical dimensions. e-mail, hard drive, paper based documents, urls/Bookmarks, contact information, books. To the extent possible, I would like to have an application that is cross platform, cross referencible, searchable and mobile (when I say mobile, I primarily mean that I should be able to access them through the web). There seems
to be no tool available that allows me to do that, thought there are various tools that give me various degrees of mobility.
It did not help matters that when I originally started using e-mail, I had no idea of what I was getting into and how e-mail and web will come to rule my and most other knowledge workers’ lives. I also did not plan for spam. As a result, I now use 5 different e-mail addresses. Consolidating them is proving to be more challanging than I thought it would be.
I remember Jason Kottke once had a very good conversation on the subject of creating a personal schema on his weblog. But the link to those comments doesnt seem to be working. But the idea of building a personal topic map is intriguing. If anyone has a good link or reference on the subject, please let me know. There is a bunch of interesting links on FieldNotes that I plan to read up. If you some thoughts on the subject, I would love to hear from you.
3) I am also looking for a free tool (preferably) that would allow me to manage writing, bibliography etc. in a single, easy-to-use environment. But it is a jungle out there! Is there any field of endeavour left which does not have too many software solutions yet?

All work and no play …

I have been chasing some rather tight work related deadlines. Between that and a New York commute that has been eating up my leisure hours, RandomNotes has been getting very little attention in the last few weeks. Hope to be back over the weekend.

Out of circulation

I have been absconding in Providence, Rhode Island for a few days. Providence is even colder than Connecticut! I also moved house last week end. Very exhausted. Very stressed out.
I hope to be back weblogging from this weekend.
PS: I think farmers in Timbuktoo have a better quality of life than the IT professionals.

Gone fishing

I’ll be juggling 3 projects for the next few weeks (one of them should have been over by Jan 31st). I am also moving house the week after, travelling to Rhode Island for a few days and committed to deliver an article this month.
I am not unhappy. Considering the mess in which I was in last year, I consider myself fortunate just to have a contract that I like. But weblogging is going to be sparse for the rest of the month. I’ll probably post a longish entry once a week or so.


We are off for three days.
I am a little harassed by life right now. My offline life is crowded with too many to-do lists, mammoth all day meetings that accomplist little and small errands that I have been happily ignoring for some time. I am one of life’s great procrastinators 🙁 .
Posts are going to be small and infrequent over the next few days. But I do want to make time to read over the weekend:
Lawrence Lessig and Jack Balkin on Eldred versus Micky Mouse